January 26, 2024 Today marked another day since you've been gone, aboh. It's surreal, standing here by your grave, seeing your name etched into the stone, yet still unable to fully grasp the reality of your absence. How can you be gone when it feels like you're still here, lingering in the corners of my mind and in every familiar corner of our...
A warrior
July 19, 2019 / BY ismazafirah.
It's dark and lonely here. My hands are shaking, There's a voice in my head saying I couldn't do it, Then there's another voice in my head, battling hard with the demon inside. I wish I can do better in life, I wish I can do more in life, I wish I was happy, I wish. I know I have to say I...
Hey, hello, how are yaaah? Do you guys think some people are gifted to be insanely genius? Have you ever met your classmate who always skip...
Hey, hello, how are yaah? Have you guys ever go to drug store ( watson / guardian and etc...) and when you goes to the beauty section, w...
Ola! Some people have come and asked me how I memorize my notes. If you're that person like me that tends to study last minute, high-5 c...