Study tips : Memorize method #1
Ola! Some people have come and asked me how I memorize my notes. If you're that person like me that tends to study last minute, high-5 cs SAME. In some point in our life, we always have this lazy-procrastinator behavior to come and ruin our plan.
I admit that I tend to procrastinate and thus the last minute study but I don't encourage you guys to study last minute.It's stressful with overload of things to memorize. And yes, this ain't good for your brain. It is called cramming and it involves trying to memorize as much information as possible while only actually being able to encode some of the information as short-term memory. It does not help much as you'll unable to recall properly the information.
And this is why you need to do this:
1. Take notes
2. Do a 15-mins review each day
3. Schedule at the same time daily
4. Look over notes from all prev materials
So, to remember what u've study, you need to re-visit the material many times. Hence - 90% of your efforts on(moving forward) taking notes/ making it simple by using your own words. Then, put 10% effort (looking back) at what you previously studied. Take 15 mins daily to review the notes. Schedule the review time at the same time, daily to make it habit. Then, challenge yourself to recognize it.
Plus, try the scent method. Try to put a different perfumes on you or in your room whenever you study and wear the same perfume on the day you have your exams so that it will helps you to recall back the information psychologically. And... you'll prob heard this for a thousands times alr that it is important for you take enough sleep. Your brains needs to rests and....Sleep, as it turns out, is vital for memory consolidation, a process where a short-term memory is stabilized into a long-term one as features of that memory become more connected. So sleep lah so that the brain gets enough oxygen hence you'll be more alert.
Andddd yall needs to work on your time management more. If there's time to play PUBG then why there's no time for ya to study-- It's for your own good ya. Goodluck guys muah